St Pauls Clinic

Palmyra Place, Newport, NP20 4EJ

Telephone: 01633 266140

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About Us

Welcome to St Pauls Clinic

Complaints procedure

Please raise any complaints with the Practice Manager, ideally we would like to resolve any misunderstandings promptly. If you feel you have to place your concerns in writing please address it to the Practice Manager.

Practice area

We accept patients from anywhere with a postcode starting with NP20 or NP19. We cover the majority of Newport – Please contact us if you are not sure and would like to register.

Violence and Abuse – Zero Tolerance

Abusive or violent patients will be removed from the surgery list. It is the expected duty of patients to respect both staff and fellow patients, regardless of race, gender, beliefs or faith.

Data Protection and Uses of Information

Information about patients is requested for a variety of purposes including education, research, monitoring, epidemiology, public health surveillance, clinical audit and planning. Under the Data Protection Act this practice cannot use any data it has on you, our patients, without your consent. Your data will only be shared with fellow Practitioners and other Organisations (e.g. the local hospitals) for health related matters. If you do not want any data about you shared with any organisation, please inform the GP to document your health records. Please note that this could prevent us from making routine hospital referrals on your behalf. Your wishes will be respected subject to legal, statutory or life-threatening situations.

Your Patient Rights

The staff at St Paul’s Clinic make every effort to ensure that your healthcare needs are addressed, and that the data on your medical record is recorded accurately. We respect Patient Rights and comply with the Data Protection Act with regards to any request for your Personal Health Information to be released. We require your express consent before we release data – you cannot complain about which you have consented to. On your visit you may request a choice of GP, subject to their availability.St Paul’s Clinic strive to cover all aspects of customer care, including the use of interpreters, language line, Jayex LED Board. Disabled patients would require them to alert staff by doorbell if the need assistance. Disabled facilities with emergency pull cord. We have a Patient Panel, drawn form our Patient List, who meet with the practice to discuss various issues and improvements, for the mutual benefit of both patients and practice. Patient comments are always welcome.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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