St Pauls Clinic

Palmyra Place, Newport, NP20 4EJ

Telephone: 01633 266140

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Al-Anon Family Groups UK and Eire
Support for families and friends of problem drinkers.Tel: 202 7403 0888 – Visit Website

Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcohol problems.Tel: 0845 769 7555 – Visit Website

Council for Information on Tranquillisers & Antidepressants (CITA)
Addiction to mind-altering medication.Tel: 0151 932 0102 – Visit Website

Local drug services.Tel: 020 7940 7520 – Visit Website

Families Anonymous
Support for family and friends of those with substance abuse problems.Tel: 0845 120 0660 – Visit Website

Problem gamblers.Tel: 0845 600 0133 – Visit Website

Narcotics Anonymous
For those who think they have a drug problem.Tel: 0845 0373 3366 – Visit Website

National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA)
Information, advice and support.Tel: 0800 358 3546 – Visit Website

National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS)
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy.Tel: 0870 033 3700 – Visit Website

NHS Smoking Helpline
For people wanting to stop smoking.Tel: 0800169 0169 – Visit Website

For smokers who want to stop and people trying to remain ex-smokers.Tel: 0800 002 200 – Visit Website

Support for drug users, families and friends.Tel: 0845 450 0215 – Visit Website

Children & Young People

For parents and relatives of sick or premature babies.Tel: 0500 618 140 – Visit Website

CLIC Sargent
Childhood cancer.Tel: 08800 197 0068 – Visit Website

Cruse Bereavement Care – Youth Involvement Project
Support for those aged 12 to 18 following bereavement.Tel: 0808 808 1677 – Visit Website

For anyone concerned about a child at risk of abuse, including children themselves.Tel: 0808 800 5000 – Visit Website

NSPCC – Asian Child Protection Helpline (UK)
Multilingual helpline providing a culturally sensitive service.Tel: 0800 096 7719 – Visit Website

For adoptees up to 25, their birth parents, siblings and friends.Tel: 0808 808 1234 – Visit Website

Association of Young People with ME
Support for under 25s with ME.Tel: 0845 123 2389 – Visit Website

Winston’s Wish
Support for those caring for a young person who has been bereaved.Tel: 0845 203 0405 – Visit Website

Support for young people aged 11 to 20.Tel: 0800 096 1425 – Visit Website

Beat – Youthline
Support for under 25s who are affected by eating disorders.Tel: 0845 634 7650 – Visit Website

Ask Brook
Support for under 25s on sexual health, contraception, pregnancy and abortions.Tel: 0800 018 5023 – Visit Website

Advice for parents/carers of bullied children.Tel: 0845 120 5204 – Visit Website

Muslim Youth Helpline
Culturallly sensitive support for under 30s.Tel: 0808 808 2008 – Visit Website

For children and young people in danger or distress.Tel: 0800 1111 – Visit Website

Support for young people affected by homophobic bullying.Tel: 0808 100 0143 – Visit Website

For over 13s with or affected by cancer or other life threatening conditions.Tel: 0161 6880 6211 – Visit Website

Support for anyone who is concerned about a young person who may be at risk of suicide.Tel: 0800 068 4141 – Visit Website

Advice about children’s growth, development, wellbeing and health.Tel: 0808 801 0330 – Visit Website


Disabled Living Foundation
Advice on equipment and technology for older and disabled people.Tel: 0845 130 9177 – Visit Website

Dyspraxia Foundation
For anyone concerned with this developmental co-ordination disorder.Tel: 01462 454986 – Visit Website

Deafblind UK
For those with combined sight and hearing loss.Tel: 0800 132 320 – Visit Website

Disabled Parents Network
For disabled people who are parents or hope to become parents.Tel: 0870 241 0450 – Visit Website

Dial UK
Information on all aspects of disability.Tel: 01302 310123 – Visit Website

Hearing Concern
Advice on hearing loss issues.Tel: 0845 074 4600 – Visit Website

National Deaf Children’s Society
For parents and carers of deaf children and deaf young people.Tel: 0808 800 8880 – Visit Website

ACTION ON HEARING Information Line
Formally Royal National Institute for the Deaf – Issues relating to deafness, hearing loss or tinnitus.Tel: 0808 808 0123 – Visit Website

Royal National Institute of Blind People
For anyone with a sight problem, their families and carers.Tel: 0845 766 9999 – Visit Website

Challenging Behaviour Foundation
Information for families caring for people with sever learning disabilities.Tel: 01634 838739 – Visit Website

Contact a Family
Advice for families caring for children with disabilities or special needs.Tel: 0808 808 3555 – Visit Website

National Autistic Society Autism Helpline
Advice for people with an autistic spectrum disorder, their families and carers.Tel: 0845 070 4004 – Visit Website

Emotional & Mental Well-being

Anxiety Care
For people with anxiety problems, obsessive compulsive disorders and phobias.Tel: 020 8478 3400 – Visit Website

No Panic
For people experiencing anxiety disorders.Tel: 0808 808 0545 – Visit Website

Support for individuals and families affected by post-traumatic stress disorders.Tel: 01788 560800 – Visit Website

FCL Counselling Centre
For anyone in distress.Tel: 0845 120 3788 – Visit Website

Cruse Bereavement Care
Confidential help for bereaved people.Tel : 01633 238162 – Visit Website

Newport MIND
Tel: 01633 258741

Sudden Trauma Information Helpline
For survivors of all kinds of sudden trauma.Tel: 0845 367 0998 – Visit Website

For people who are socially isolated, vulnerable, at risk or experiencing abuse.Tel: 01708 765200 – Visit Website

Victim Supportline
For anyone affected by crime.Tel: 0845 303 0900 – Visit Website

Lifeline 24
Information on drug and alcohol addiction, stress, depression and abuse.Tel: 0845 6441743

Offering emotional support for people experiencing distress and despair.Tel: 0845 790 9090 – Visit Website


NHS Direct
Health advice and information for the public. Can give details of nearest doctors, pharmacists, dentists and support groups.Tel: 0845 56 47 – Visit Website

Allergy UK
Advice on all types of allergy.Tel: 01322 619898 – Visit Website

Alzheimer’s Society
For people with dementia and their carers.Tel: 0845 300 0336 – Visit Website

Arthritis Care
For people affected by arthritis.Tel: 0808 800 4050 – Visit Website

Asthma UK Advice line
Information on all aspects of asthma and related allergies.Tel: 0845 701 0203 – Visit Website

For people experiencing back and/or neck pain.Tel: 0845 130 2704 – Visit Website

Beat – Adult Line
For people affected by eating disorders.Tel: 0845 634 1414 – Visit Website

Bladder Problems
Help and support for people affected by stress incontinence, weak bladder, overactive bladder or difficulty passing urine.Tel: 0845 345 0165 – Visit Website

Bowel Problems
Help and support for people affected by bowl problems.Tel: 0845 345 0165 – Visit Website

Bowel Cancer UK
Information on all aspects of bowel cancer.Tel: 0870 850 6050 – Visit Website

Brain and Spine Foundation Helpline
For people affected by neurological disorders.Tel: 0808 808 1000 – Visit Website

Breast Cancer Care Helpline
For anyone affected by breast cancer or breast health concerns.Tel: 0808 800 6000 – Visit Website

British Heart Foundation
Information on issues relating to heart disease.Tel: 0845 070 8070 – Visit Website

British Lung Foundation Helpline Advice Service
Confidential advice and support for anyone affected by lung disease. Helpline open Monday to Friday.Tel: 0845 850 5020 – Visit Website

Bawso is a specialist service provider, providing practical and emotional support to people affected by domestic abuse and other forms of violence, including Female Genital Mutilation, Forced Marriage, Human Trafficking & Prostitution primarily from BME communities. Visit WebsiteCancer Aid and Listening LineFor people with cancer, their families and friends.Tel: 0845 123 2329 – Visit Website

Gwent Cancer Support
Tel: 01495 760066 – Visit Website

Macmillan Cancer Information Service
Specialist nurses give information for anyone affected by cancer.Tel: 080 800 1234 – Visit Website

St David’s Hospice Care
Tel: 01633 851051 Visit Website

Coeliac UK
Support for people with celiac disease and associated conditions.Tel: 0845 305 2060 – Visit Website

National Association for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease
Support for people living with colitis or Crohn’s disease and their families.Tel: 0845 130 2233 – Visit Website

Continence Foundation Helpline
For people with bladder and/or bowel problems.Tel: 0845 345 0165 – Visit Website

Dental Helpline
Information on all dental health matters.Tel: 0845 063 1188 – Visit Website

Diabetes UK
Support and information about diabetes.Tel: 0845 120 2960 – Visit Website

National Eczema Society
For anyone with eczema.Tel: 0870 241 3604 – Visit Website

Epilepsy Action
Support for those with epilepsy or those with an interest.Tel: 0808 800 5050 – Visit Website

Gwent Epilepsy
Tel: 01495 763131

The charity that works to improve life after brain injury.Helpline: 0808 800 2244 Visit Website

Herpes Viruses Association
For people with herpes.Tel: 0845 123 2305 – Visit Website

Hysterectomy Association
Support for women who want to make informed choices about hysterectomy.Tel: 0871 781 1141 – Visit Website

Infertility Network UK
For people with fertility problems.Tel: 0870 118 8088 – Visit Website

Leukaemia Research
Information on leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other related conditions.Tel: 020 7269 9060 – Visit Website

ME Association
For people affected by myalgic encepholopathy and related problems.Tel: 0870 111 1836 – Visit Website

Meningitis Research Foundation Helpline
Information on meningitis and septicaemia.Tel: 0808 800 3344 – Visit Website

Migraine Action Association
Advice for migraine sufferers, their families and friends.Tel: 0870 050 5898 – Visit Website

Multiple Sclerosis Society – MS Helpline
Support for anyone affected by multiple sclerosis.Tel: 0808 800 8000 – Visit Website

National Osteoporosis Society Helpline
For people with or at risk of osteoporosis.Tel: 0845 450 0230 – Visit Website

For anyone affected by ovarian cancer.Tel: 020 7380 9589 – Visit Website

Pain Concern
Support for people who live with persistent pain and their carers.Tel: 01620 822572 – Visit Website

Parkinson’s Disease Society Helpline
Support on all aspects of Parkinson’s disease.Tel: 0808 800 0303 – Visit Website

Patients Association Helpline
Advice for NHS and private sector health users. How to make a complaint, access medical records, changing GPs.Tel: 0845 608 4455 – Visit Website

Association for Postnatal Illness
For women with postnatal illness, their families and friends.Tel: 020 7386 0868 – Visit Website

Prostate Cancer UK Charity Helpline
Specialist nurses provide advice on any aspect of prostate cancer.Tel: 0800 074 8383 – Visit Website

Psoriasis Association
Support for people with psoriasis.Tel: 0845 676 0076 – Visit Website

Renal Disease – British Kidney Patient Association
Support for people affected by Renal Disease.Tel: 01420 541424 – Visit Website

The Sexual Advice Association
(formerly the Sexual Dysfunction Association)For sufferers of sexual dysfunction and their partners.Tel: 0870 774 3571 – Visit Website

Sexual Health Direct Helpline
Support on a range of sexual health issues. Details of UK family planning and sexual health clinics.Tel: 0845 122 8690 – Visit Website

Spinal Injuries Association
For people with spinal cord injuries.Tel: 0800 980 0501 – Visit Website

Stroke Association
For people affected by strokes.Tel: 0845 303 310 – Visit Website

Terrence Higgins Trust
For people affected by HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS information, safer sex, online booklets and help line.Telephone: 0808 802 1221 Visit WebsiteWomen’s Health ConcernGynaecological and sexual health problems, including the menopause.Tel: 0845 123 2319 – Visit Website

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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